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InksLedger and the Future of Assetization

Beyond its four major direct use cases, the InksLedger Blockchain will serve as an Insurance, Reinsurance and Reserve Asset for Countries, States, Central Banks, Commercial Banks, Companies, Individuals, Properties and all forms of assets anything including all fiat currencies and cryptocurrencies, at inksnation. We call these Assetization or Advanced Insurance.

The Inks Infrastructure

With all the promises being made, you must be wondering how all the funds will be generated. At the moment, the ecosystem has more than six monumental use case that powers its economy and its assets; these are:      Pink Host: iBSmartify’s Cloud Computing Service      iBSmartify Housing for all      iBSmartify Drone Delivery      iBSmartify e-Learning: Digital Education for all      PinKoin ATM Machines: Currently under design.      InksMart      And lots more.

The InksLedger

InksNation is the World's First Charitable Trust, which exists as a Decentralized Autonomous Organization (DAO). This trust helps us create the World's First Philanthropic Blockchain, the InksLedger, which is a blockchain for Human and Non Human Asset Development. We are certain that any nation can come out of poverty in less than 9 months with all her citizens being paid a minimum of $11 daily for life, following the InksNation digital economic model. More precisely, we are providing the tech infrastructure, which will allow individuals to: ❖ Become the Government ❖ Create their own wealth and also ❖ Transform their society.

Setting Up An InksNode

The setup and maintenance task shifts to the iBSmartify cloud service (PinkHost). All you need do is supervise the registration of new living  nodes from your region and earn on autopilot for life. Finally, there is on average 8,000+ new living nodes each day, So you don’t want to miss another day if you have plans of being InksNode Bearer of your region. Hurry and be the first InksNode Bearer in your region today.             To learn more about the InksNode setup,             Please WhatsApp us on our Canada Hotline  +1-647-493-6439  To Book a Zoom Meeting  Or Send us an email @